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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

6 Month Vaccines

Well six months is fast approaching and we went for the 6 months shots today! Surprisingly Makayla did really well; with a shot in each leg, the first she only made a little peep and the second she cried for about ten seconds, but nurse was able to distract her fairly quickly with a rattle.

Makayla is below the 10th percentile; but the nurse assured me not to worry, she said that everything is in proportion and maybe she is just going to be a "little girl". That statement doesn't really make me feel any better about it though to be honest. I am not worried about her size, more curious than anything, it makes one wonder why she is so small and not growing....

I have decided we might start rice cereal soon. Makayla has strictly been on breast milk, I have never supplemented her with formula. I have noticed in the past month or so that her intake is increasing (especially at night) as well as her interest in my food. She is very keen on grabbing a hold of my plate or reaching for my food, including my beverages - hot or cold! Now, these "beverages" have not included any with alcohol in well over a year...just a little taste might be nice!


Jaimee said...

Honestly don't worry about it. Jordan has been in the 25% since he was born. He is just a skinny little guy. I would start the cereal though. She sounds ready and she is 6 months. I wanted to wait until 6 months with Jordan but his intake went way up at 5 months so I started then.

Alexandra said...
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Alexandra said...

Yes. Try not to worry Allison. I know, I know...worrying is what mom's do best :)

You are doing such an great job!! Strictly breast milk for the first 6 months?! That is the way to go!! Stella had already had marshmellows and cheerios at 5 1/2 months (only thanks to her big sister :/ ). You might find Makayla starts sleeping better now with a little rice cereal in her tummy.