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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bye Bye Boob; For Good This Time!

Makayla's Doctor recommended a few months ago that I start supplementing her with formula since she wasn't gaining weight at an "appropriate" rate with just breastfeeding. I started with feeding her a combination of boob and bottle, then slowly moved to feeing her formula all day and boob during the night and first thing in the morning, to now just formula!

Actually it was a combination of her not gaining weight and also having two teeth that made me stop breastfeeding all together! The last day I actually breastfed was July 28th! Makayla had already started to bite me REALLY hard and on the 28th she bite me just a little too hard! She had made me bleed prior to that day and it had been hurting, but this one time was hard enough to make it the last time!

I can honestly say I miss that weird? It just seems so different, like my baby doesn't "need" me anymore, and I find that she doesn't like to snuggle like she did before. Maybe it's just me....

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