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Monday, August 23, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

I feel like I have been on the go non stop for a long time and summer is almost gone already, and yet I feel like I have done nothing!

I have been trying to get more things on the go with Graffiti. I've had a few parties, yesterday I went to a baby/kid sale that the organizer decided to have some business tables at as well. I don't really think it was the right "crowd" for my products. I guess that is the most polite way of putting it, if you know what I mean.

While I was inside the hall for the four hours doing my thing, someone stole the license plate right off my vehicle, then proceeded to use it in a gas and go! Of course it was Sunday so the registry office wasn't open so that was a pain in the ***! Thankfully someone at the craft sale had an old expired plate from one of their old vehicles; he ran home and got it so I could at least drive home and hopefully wouldn't get pulled over! Today I had to deal with that.

I have been looking at bringing Graffiti into farmers markets, trade shows and craft fairs, but it seems they are all so expensive! Come next month it looks like I will be pretty busy, I've already got three shows booked and a trade show. I am still looking for more leads though. I've created a facebook page, so it seems like that is starting to get the word out more too!

Makayla is now becoming quite the little girl. She is sure trying my patience, by pulling on cords, grabbing CD's, hitting me or spitting in my face. No matter how many times I say "NO" she laughs and does it again. She doesn't understand it isn't a game. I usually laugh right back at her; I know I shouldn't, but wow how can one resist!? She just figured out how to crawl last Thursday, right before Daddy went back to work so that's nice, so she is now into everything. I can't even go to the bathroom or load the dishwasher without wondering what she is up to. Also, I need to get a carpenter in here to figure out what we are going to do about a gate. We've got a nasty staircase with walls that just don't work for attaching a baby gate.

Anyway, I'm tired and need to get to bed, here are a few pictures of Makayla tonight.

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