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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

9 Months ALREADY

Wow, where the heck is the time going? 9 months! 9 months? How and why are my two did it go by so quickly and WHY? My little baby girl is growing so quickly! I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday we were trying to conceive you! I remember the moment we found out I was was pregnant; even though we were trying it came as a shock, since it was our FIRST try!

Pregnancy seemed to take forever and yet these next 9 months have absolutely flown by! It is so amazing to watch you grow and learn new things. Each day it seems like you are changing right before my eyes; wether it be your "funny faces", or trying to crawl and just going backwards, or holding your own bottle, or "growling" at me, everything is so wonderful! I couldn't ask for a more amazingly, beautiful daughter, you really are one in a million!

I had you weighed today and you are now 14lbs, 12oz and 25.5in! A little petite package whom I love so much!

The search for a dayhome continues as I've only got three more months on mat leave and then back to work. It isn't a fun search and I am getting to the point where I don't want to go back to work; I just don't want to leave you! Maybe something will change and I won't have to go back....

Love you forever,

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