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Friday, October 02, 2009

35 Weeks - Nesting

I have now gained 34lbs, and her heart rate is 150bpm. The OB said that she would wait to see what the ultrasound said, then she will do an interal next week to check on my cervix.

A few days later I went for the ultrasound and it seems as though baby has turned and is now head down, but her legs are straight up and her feet are above her head. They are a little concerned and may have to send me for another one in a few weeks.

I have been on a bit of a cleaning spree, must be nesting kicking in. I decided that for some reason that I need to go through our linen/storage closet and take everything, jeesh...what a job! I also set up the playpen and put it in our room beside our bed, as that is where we plan on having her for the first while.

I decided to start taking these stupid calcium pills again, the leg cramps are worse than ever, so I will just suffer with the constipation I guess...I don't know which is the lesser of two evils! Oh well...there really is no winning here.

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