No published work, including print and digital media from MY LIFE - A NEW MOM is to be reproduced without prior written permission from the Author. If you are interested in using one of my pictures or information feel free to email me at a_parker12 AT hotmail DOT com

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Busy Day

Today we ran all over the place, to a home shopping expo where I bought some cute clips for Makayla's hair and a new toy, looked at show homes to get an idea of what I like, Starbucks for a yummy frappuccino, Babies R Us to buy a leash for Sophie haha, my Dads to borrow his printer since mine isn't working, The Children's Place to buy a gift. Wow, what a busy day!

The gate that I had bought a while ago for $129.99 just went on sale for $79.99 so I took my receipt back to Babies R Us and hoped that they would give me the difference back as it had been 37 days since I bought it, they did, apparently I had 45 days to do it! $50 back in my pocket is a good thing! I love looking at show homes, it seems like I fall in love with a new one each time we go looking, how on earth are we suppose to choose which one to build?! Speaking of a new home, we are *hoping* to be in a new home within a year, max two! I really hope we can do it!!

Makayla has really progressed on her furniture walking the last few days, now she just cruises! I also have had to remove our tray that we keep on the ottoman with coasters, tv remotes, etc. in it as she is now able to reach it all. I also had a glass of fruit punch on there two days ago which she decided to reach up and spill all over our white carpet! I guess I can't have a drink in here anymore! Hmmmmm what else? Her new favorite thing to do is to yank all the DVD's off of the shelf. She sure keeps me on my toes now!

Cleo (our cat) had enough playing with Makayla

Turning her tongue upside down

Eating cereal

Playing with her new toy from Kidsmart

Makayla's new hair clip from My Creations

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