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Friday, May 28, 2010

Bye Bye Boob (Kinda....)

On Tuesday I took Makayla and had her weighed; a whopping 13lbs, 11oz. So in the last two and a half weeks she has only gained 8oz, not much, but better than not gaining anything like the two weeks previous. As per the Doctors instructions at her 6 month appointment, for the last few weeks I have been trying different powdered formulas, they all taste chemicals. The other night I had to run to the post office which is inside Shoppers so I grabbed a can of the liquid concentrated formula. I mixed up two ounces and after 10 minutes of screaming and whipping her head back and forth she actually drank it!!!!! Last night she ate a whole 4 ounces!! Good going little lady! I guess I am going to have to buy the pre-mixed, and guess doesn't taste like chemicals, strange! I am still breastfeeding as well, but I am trying to give her a bottle at bedtime in hopes that she will sleep through the night (that's a whole other story)!

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