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Thursday, January 14, 2010

First Child

This past November my life changed for the better, I gave birth to my first child! Makayla, a healthy 7lb, 1oz baby girl! I thought I knew what "love at first sight" meant, well let me tell you, I had no concept or idea of how powerful that statement could actually be until the doctors placed my daughter on my chest...right then and there I understood!

The first few weeks were difficult, between the healing from childbirth and no sleep, but soon I was feeling better, and we had settled into a "routine" or as much of a routine that you can achieve with a newborn. By about four weeks she was sleeping through the night (7 hours or so)...I have been told by many that I am "lucky"!

She is now just over two months old, and I can't imagine my life without her. It is amazing how by just looking at her can brighten my day, and how quickly she is growing and changing. Actually I have already had to put away her newborn sleepers, and yes, I shed a few tears...

Well she is calling me, time to go feed her, then bed for both of us I think!

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