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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sick Baby?

Maybe this is a little too much info, but for the last two days Makayla has had diarrhea (if you can believe it, a breastfed baby can go beyond constant liquid poop, and still have the backdoor trots) and she has been screaming off and on all day! Not only is she having tummy troubles but now the diapers have decided to "leak" every single babies already produce a lot of laundry, now this is just insane! But still I love her no matter what, dirty bum and all. Now if only Daddy was home to change a tush or two!

Anyway, after all of that I realized that I may have done this to her and I feel horrible. Over the past three days I have been eating spicier food that normal. Wednesday I had Spicy Almond Chicken and Thursday and Friday I had made dijon flavoured chicken (yes two days in a row, it's called left overs) poor girl. I have decided for the next few days I will be eating very uninspiring meals!

Time to go switch the laundry...

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